My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words. (Psalm 45:1)

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Friday, 06 June 2014


My first book was accepted for publication the year I reached 71 years of age. I had begun writing Prayers and Devotions more than 25 years before, through a weekly prayer letter for my church. I enjoyed writing, but never thought of publication. But after I retired I felt that God kept prompting me to put the devotions into books. Yes! Books. Not just one!
The first book took over 3 years to put together – and 7 more years of rejection after rejection from publishers.
God always has a plan though! I had submitted my proposal to a new publisher, just 1 week after I had been rejected again. Three weeks later I received a phone call from them, showing interest, but the book was far too long, and would have to be shortened. We worked well together and the first book was received about 9 months later.
Most publishers tend to publish only already known and affirmed authors. So God really wanted this book to be out there for people to read and grow to know Him in a deep and personal way, through a daily quiet time.
I write for Christians who desire a closer walk with God, and will be encouraged by meeting with Him on a daily basis. The devotions are broadly based on my walk with the Lord over 60+ years.
Now came yet another challenge! Distribution!I had received  books for my own personal contacts and started to promote them to my church, friends, family, and by word of mouth. I have successfully distributed all of the first book!
Since then I have written another four books, and they have been successfully published, not only in printed form, but also as eBooks – so they are readily available all over the world. My 6th will be available later in this year.
When the opportunity to take part in D’vorah’s Book Marketing Challenge, I thought it would be the ideal opportunity to learn how better to promote my books. I have learnt so much, and have started to apply some of them. 
It struck me that I have to get knowledge of my book/s out to a much larger audience than I do at present. But, I have to start small – to identify my market, and concentrate on reaching them.
Because I am based in South Africa, and there are constraints to my books being available  in Book Shops, I have been doing promotion and marketing in a small way by myself. It would be great to be able to reach a much greater market, and the Book Marketing Challenge has provide me with many ideas. Thank you!
2 Corinthians 8 : 11 says, “On with it, then, and finish the job! Be as eager to finish it as you were to plan it, and do it with what you now have.”
The 5 books published so far are available both as Kindle eBooks and in print.
“God is waiting to meet you!” “God wants you to know Him” God wants to bless you” “God’s Promises” “Today is no ordinary day”
They are also available as eBooks here.
Ann Goodfellow

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