However, I am now in the market for an agent. I realise that I will only have one crack at each one I approach, so I'm doing my homework.
What should I not say in my query letters to them?
Following is a list of some of the things I should avoid saying:
- "I see from your website that you represent science fiction and fantasy, but I have written this cosy romance, and thought you might like to look at it."
- "I have attached my novel for you to read. It is a rather large download, but I'm sure you'll find it worth the effort."
- "If you are interested, I will send you the book as an attachment."
- "This is a draft copy and I'm open to your suggestions to improve it."
- "My writing is on a par with John Grisham but without the legal angle."
- "I have a number of other books I'd be happy to send you to look at as well."
- "I have published eleven books which all sold well."
- I know this book has the makings of a top best-seller, and it will make a lot of money for both of us.
- Sorry to bother you again, but did you receive my last three emails?
- It is two weeks since I wrote to you and there has been no reply. You might at least show a bit of decency and respond promptly. I'm a busy person, and I'm sitting waiting to hear from you!
- I received your letter of rejection, but . . . "
- Oh fantastic! You've sold my novel? Now I can quit my day job and start my next book.
From my sale of Strength Renewed, I know only too well that signing the contract was only the first step in a long journey. Even now that the book is on the shelves of shops across the world, I still have little time for writing that next book. Most of my writing time is spent on marketing and blogging. If I still had a day job, I would not be quitting. (Taking some leave to catch up on marketing, maybe. But I would need that income!)
SHIRLEY CORDER lives near the coast in Port Elizabeth, South Africa with her husband, Rob. Her book, Strength Renewed: Meditations for your Journey through Breast Cancer contains 90 meditations based on times when God spoke to her during the rough times spent in the cancer valley. Please visit Shirley at, where she encourages writers, and at, where she encourages those in the cancer valley. Follow her on Twitter or on FaceBook, or sign up for her newsletter.
Okay, now I know what not to say, I need to figure out what I do need to tell a prospective agent. More in a few days.
OVER TO YOU: Did you know all these? Do you have anything to add? Is there any point you don't agree with?
OVER TO YOU: Did you know all these? Do you have anything to add? Is there any point you don't agree with?