My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words. (Psalm 45:1)

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You may not pass on any posts from this blog without permission of the author, but you may pass on a link if you wish to share something written.

To join CWOSA, you are required to either be a Christian writer or aspiring writer who lives in Southern Africa, or a Southern African Christian writer living overseas. If you qualify and wish to learn more, click on this link.


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Remember! This is meant to be a story!
Have fun!

Monday, 27 June 2011

Kindle Books Are Outselling Paperbacks at

Writing and selling Kindle eBooks in the Amazon Kindle Store is HOT. If you sell a $9.99 eBook, you may receive a 70/30 commission in most major territories, including the U.S.A. Amazon takes 30% and you get 70%. Sixty days after the month the sale occurs, they either deposit the money in your USA bank account or send you a cheque if you live in another country.

This means an author only has to sell 14,327 copies to earn slightly more than $100,000 in royalties. Or, in other words, you only need to sell 39 copies per day to hit the $100K mark in a year.

Selling eBooks at lower prices – e.g. under $4 – is a great way to get traffic. It costs nothing but your time! And some expertise in formatting. See my Kindle Publishing Made Easy eGuide for more information on that.
Check out the kind of books selling on Kindle and their prices to give you a good idea what you should be charging. Think about what you are willing to pay yourself.

Write about popular subjects, your specific area of expertise and interests. Invest in a good graphic for the book’s cover. People DO try to tell what’s in a Kindle book by the cover and not just the description alone so that investment could easily pay for itself. I recommend you visit for expert eBook – and book – covers. (This is not an affiliate link – Clive really is good and he designs most of my covers. Visit my bookshop at Pilgrim Publications for some examples of his work. My amateur efforts will stand out in sharp contrast!).

Many people are spending money on iPads and Kindles and phones instead of computers and this is the place to be right now. It is generally believed that Kindle’s market share for eBooks is at 60 to 65 percent, while Apple’s hovers around 10 percent. Their eBookstore carries around 200 000 titles, while the Kindle store has over 950 000 titles.

By the way, if you haven’t got a Kindle yourself download a free one for your PC from Soon you will want the portable one. It’s a superb eReader.

This is what I am concentrating on at the moment and I am amazed how quickly people find my Kindle books. Worth a shot!



  1. I appreciate the post, Val. I've been thinking about going the ebook route with a particular fiction project, and am gather facts as to whether or not I should move forward. This is helpful. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for this. I have a feeling I will be getting myself a kindle soon. But it is good to hear about the benefits from the writing side not just as a reader.
