My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words. (Psalm 45:1)

Welcome to our new blog!

Note that this blog is primarily for members of CWOSA. Only those members who have signed up as authors to the blog are able to post on this site, although all may leave comments.

You may not pass on any posts from this blog without permission of the author, but you may pass on a link if you wish to share something written.

To join CWOSA, you are required to either be a Christian writer or aspiring writer who lives in Southern Africa, or a Southern African Christian writer living overseas. If you qualify and wish to learn more, click on this link.


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2. Read the last comment to see the most recent addition to the story.
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Remember! This is meant to be a story!
Have fun!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Golden Baobab - Call for Submissions

Thanks to Fi for sending this in. Please note that any queries should go to the addresses at the bottom of the poster, not to CWOSA! Don't forget to follow the guidelines to the letter!

The 2012 Call for Submissions for the Golden Baobab Prize

Golden Baobab 2012- Call for Submissions


Dear Friend:

It is a pleasure to announce the ongoing Golden Baobab Prize, a literary award that annually invites entries of unpublished African-inspired stories written for an audience of ages 8-11 years or 12-15 years.  The mission of the Golden Baobab Prize is to identify the African literary giants of the next generation and produce excellent stories that will be appreciated for years to come.

This year the prize will award $1,000 to the best story in the junior category as well as the senior category and $800 to the most promising young writer (18 years and below). Beyond that, the Golden Baobab Prize offers to connect outstanding stories with African and international publishers. The Prize is open to African citizens of all ages. Deadline for submission is June 24, 2012.

Please help us spread the word about the Golden Baobab Prize by:
1. Forwarding this email with the poster to interested persons or organizations.
2. Encouraging eligible persons (i.e. African citizens of all ages)within your networks to write and submit their stories.
3. Printing out and putting up our catchy poster attached. It should only take a minute!

The Golden Baobab seeks to ensure that in the next ten years every young African will have access to excellent quality literature that they can relate to. We solicit your support in making this a reality. Plesse help spread the word.

Our website:


Maureen Atebawone
Programs Associate & Prize Co-ordinator- The Golden Baobab Prize

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